New Hire Reporting Program
The Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) has a voluntary New Hire reporting program. This program was instituted for the purpose of reducing overpayments of unemployment compensation, by detecting and preventing benefit payments to workers who have returned to work. Although MDES receives information from the State Directory of New Hires and acts on that information in an attempt to reduce fraudulent benefits, this information is usually received weeks after the claimant has started working. MDES can be more effective by receiving the information earlier.

Click here or the image above to download a fillable New Hire Card
The New Hire card is a document that is completed by the employer and mailed directly to MDES. Employers using the New Hire card need only furnish the business name, and the name, Social Security number and date of hire for each new employee.
Return the completed form by email to
This is a voluntary program and does not relieve you of the responsibility to continue reporting to the State Directory of New Hires administered by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.
Employers and taxpayers of Mississippi will benefit from the New Hire program by: |
Reducing UI taxes where benefits would have otherwise been charged against an employer's experience rating account; |
Reducing outstanding overpayments of UI benefits and their adverse effect on the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund; |
Reducing the amount of time and resources required for conducting Benefit Payment audits; and |
Reducing unemployment benefit payments that might otherwise have been paid to workers who refuse suitable jobs. |