Do You Need a Job?
You may be unemployed or you may be looking for your first job. Perhaps you’re already working and are interested in a better job. You have come to the right place. The Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) is here for you. We’ll help you navigate the path to a new job and new future. If you’re unemployed here’s where to go to GET STARTED. We’ll take you step-by-step through the process of filing a claim to receive your unemployment benefit and then get you started on your job search.
If you already have a job or if you’re looking for your first job you can go here to SEARCH FOR A JOB NOW. There is no fee to apply for any job listed through MDES.
You are in the right place to start your new future.

Register with MDES
The first thing you have to do is register with MDES Online Services. Whether you want to file a claim to receive weekly unemployment benefits or search for a new job, you must register first. That’s how you get your personal User Name and PIN number to be able to use the online system. There is no fee to apply for any job listed through MDES.

Search for a New job
If you are unemployed, this is now your new full time job, and we’ll help you find out who’s hiring. If you are already working and looking for a a different job, MDES can provide you with a wealth of opportunities in our employment database and through other helpful sites that can lead you to the perfect place. There is no fee to apply for any job listed through MDES.
Need Training & Education?
Receive training in what’s new in your current profession or learn something that will be helpful in starting a new career. Take a look at all the opportunities available in Mississippi. From our community colleges to our four-year colleges and universities, there are training programs and excellent educational classes specifically designed to help you find the best work opportunities to suit your needs and skills.
Veterans Deserve Special Attention
A host of special programs and opportunities are waiting for those who have served our country so valiantly. Veterans receive priority consideration for many of them. In addition to the employment opportunities featured above, MDES Veterans Services feature job search outlets, education programs and housing services designed specifically for veterans, as well as employment rights and other special resources for veterans of all branches of the armed forces.
Job Search Resources
Many other informative and helpful services are provided for you by MDES to help you with your job search. These services include information about some of our partners who may be instrumental in your successful job search, further information about vocational rehabilitation, and special employment services for people with disabilities.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
If you are 55 or older, unemployed and looking to reenter the workforce, you may qualify for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). Programs are administered in each of Mississippi’s 82 counties by the entities identified in the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Projects Directory.
More Information