LMI Programs and Contacts
Descriptions of statistical programs operated by the LMI Department and contacts for specific questions.
Current Employment Statistics (CES) - Program is designed to take the pulse of the economy; monthly estimate of industry employment at the National, State and MSA level.
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) - Monthly estimates of employment, unemployment, civilian labor force and the unemployment rate.
Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) - Annual estimates of occupational wage and employment statistics.
Projections - Estimates of projected growth or decline of occupations over a ten year period.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) - Quarterly and annual statistics of employment, wages, and the number of establishments by industry.
Workforce Information Database - The Mississippi Labor Market Information searchable database allows professionals to search for labor market data by national, statewide, county or other geographic areas.
Other Information - The LMI Department creates a number of other publications from various sources as a service to our data users.