Visit our new location starting December 16, 2024:
1377 Johnny Johnson Dr., Brookhaven, MS 39601
Services for Individuals
Job Placement, WIOA Services, Priority Services for Veterans, TAA, Job Corps, information on Tax Credit programs, referral to Vocational Rehabilitation, Dept of Human Services
Provider: Brookhaven WIN Job Center
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Closed Wednesday at 4:00pm
Phone: 601-643-8730
Adult Education Classes
Provider: Copiah-Lincoln Community College
Free classes begin every 10 weeks
Phone: 601-643-8655
GED Testing
Provider: PearsonVue Testing Center
Located at Copiah-Lincoln CC, Wesson campus
Registration at
Phone: 601-643-8653
Resources for Individuals
- Computer
- Phone
- Fax
- Copier
- Resume Preparation
- Career Planning & Assessment
- Access to Training information
- Resource Center
- Screen magnifier
Services for Employers
On the Job Training, information on Tax Credit programs, recruiting and screening of job applicants
Provider: Brookhaven WIN Job Center
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Closed Wednesday at 4:00pm
Phone: 601-643-8730
Unemployment Insurance Claims Assistance
Provider: Brookhaven WIN Job Center
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Closed Wednesday at 4:00pm
Phone: 601-643-8730
Resources for Employers
- Room for employer interviews
- video library containing employer-related issues
- phone
- fax
- copier
- computer